Associate Professor
Address: Via Marzolo, 9 - Padova
Phone: 049 8275487
E-mail: dunia.mittner@unipd.it
Scientific sector: ICAR/21 - URBAN STUDIES
Lecturer's Publications (PDF): D0A544A826989041C775D513B15BC577.pdf
Research Activity
The main Research areas are:
- New Towns built all over the world since the beginning of last Century until today, particoularly considered starting from the Reasons undergoing their foundation;
- Exemplar Plans from the XXth Century: the Pro Helsingfors Plan, 1918; the Algemeen Uitbreidingsplan van Amsterdam-AUP, 1935; the Greater London Plan, 1944; the Five Finger Plan for Copenhagen, 1947; the Generalplan för Stockholm, 1952; the Schéma directeur d’aménagement et d’urbanisme de la région de Paris-SDAURP, 1963-64;
- Eco-neighborhoods built and under construction in Europe;
- The contemporary eco, smart and cyber cities.