Research Groups
The Department's research and teaching in applied sciences covers both natural and artificial environments. The focus is on technological innovation and the development of basic skills through theoretical, experimental and computational approaches to mathematical and numerical models.
The research laboratories and programmes for post-graduate training include:
structural design and analysis, structural mechanics and heterogeneous materials, water resources, river, estuary and coastal dynamics, land protection, soil mechanics, environmental impact of infrastructures and waste management, planning and performance of transport sytems, roads, railways, design and maintenance of airports, architectural and urban planning, construction technologies, restoration, history of architecture, remote sensing.
The Department's research groups are working in the following fields:
- Applied Thermodynamics
- Architectural Design
- Architectural and Urban Composition
- Architectural and Urban Design
- Building Innovation
- City and Region - Plans and Projects
* Regional and Urban Survey, Representation and Planning
* Urban Planning and Design - Climate change, territories, diversity
- Design Tools and Methods in Industrial Engineering
- Dynamical River Networks
- Economics, Resource and Projects Valuation
- Environmental Engineering
- Environmental Geomechanics
- Geomatics
- Geotechnics
- History of Architecture
- Hydraulics
* Cardiovascular Fluid Dynamics
* Hydraulic Hazard
* Hydrodynamics and Bio-morfodynamics of rivers and lagoons - Hydrology
* Groundwater Hydrology
* Risk assessment of fire in Mediterranean forests and Wildland-Urban interface
* Statistical Hydrology and Tidal Geomorphology - Hydraulic Engineering
* Sustainable development in urban environments - Maritime and Coastal Engineering
- Numerical Methods for Civil and Environmental Engineering
* Numerical Analysis and Modeling - Partial Differential Equations, Geometric PDE’s, Geometry and Harmonic Analysis
- Real estate economics and project evaluation
- Representation - Visualization
- Roads, Railways and Airports
- Statistics
- Structural Mechanics and Structural Engineering
* Structural Analysis and Design
* Structural Engineering
- Multiscale constitutive modelling of geomaterials
- Computational modelling of multiphysics coupled problems in civil
nuclear and environmental engineering and geophysics
- Multiphysics modeling
* Innovation of structural and seismic technologies & FSI - Technical Architecture
- Transportation Systems Engineering
- Urban Planning