- Research at ICEA
Research Groups
- City and Region - Plans and Projects
- Climate change, territories, diversity
- Hydraulic Engineering
- Hydraulics
- Hydrology
- Numerical Methods for Civil and Environmental Engineering
- Applied Thermodynamics
- Architectural Design
- Architectural and Urban Composition
- Architectural and Urban Design
- Building Innovation
- Design Tools and Methods in Industrial Engineering
- Dynamical River Networks
- Resource economics and resource and projects valuation
- Environmental Engineering
- Environmental Geomechanics
- Geomatics
- Geotechnics
- History of Architecture
- Maritime and Coastal Engineering
- Partial differential equations, Geometry and Harmonic analysis
- Real estate economics and project evaluation
- Representation - Visualization
- Roads, Railways and Airports
- Statistics
- Technical Architecture
- Transportation Systems Engineering
- Structural Mechanics and Structural Engineering
- Urban Planning
- Funding opportunities
- Congresses and Seminar Lectures
- Research Projects
- Related research centers

Venice Winter School 2016 - Accomodation booking form
After applying to the School and receiving the formal invitation, use this form to book your accomodation in San Servolo island (suggested).
You will need to fill out the form and return it to San Servolo Servizi by e-mail or fax, best before 31st October 2015
Visit San Servolo Conference Centre at
For any question or issue with the application or the reservation, please contact the course leader Chiara Callegaro at chiara.callegaro@dicea.unipd.it