Associate Professor
Address: Via Marzolo, 9 - Padova
Phone: 049 8275585
E-mail: flora.faleschini@unipd.it
Flora Faleschini is Associate Professor of Structural Analysis and Design at the Department of Civil, Environmental and Architectural Engineering, University of Padova, Italy, from December 2022. Laurea M.Sc., “magna cum laude”, in Environmental Engineering, University of Padova, Italy (2011). Ph.D. in “Civil and Environmental Engineering Sciences", University of Padova, Italy (2015). Member of the Professional Society of Civil and Environmental Engineers, Padova, Italy. She holds the course of “Structural Analysis and Design”, and "Assessment and Strengthening of Existing Structures" at the University of Padova. She has supervised/co-supervised more than 100 thesis (bachelor and master) and seven PhD theses.
Visiting researcher at the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya - BarcelonaTech (UPC), Barcelona, Spain from 01/02/2013 to 01/10/2013, and from 01/11/2017 to 30/11/2017. Visiting Professor at the University of Cergy-Pontoise, Paris, France, in 2017, 2018 and 2019.
Member of the fib Task Group 2.5: Bond and Material Models since 2014, and participant in the COST Action TU 1406 “Quality specifications for roadway bridges, standardization at a European level (BridgeSpec)”, WG1 - Performance indicators since 2015. Referee of more than 20 International Journals, Member of the Editorial Board of the Journals “Advances in Civil Engineering”, edited by Hindawi, and Associate Editor of the Journal "Frontiers in the Build Environment", section "Earthquake Engineering" and "Bridge Engineering".
Author of more than 150 scientific publications, 120 of them in referred ISI/SCOPUS Journals. Co-Author of the book “Sustainability Improvements in the Concrete Industry - Use of Recycled Materials for Structural Concrete Production”, Springer International Publishing, 2016. Invited speaker at several national and international conferences/seminars. Her research activity covers the following topics: use of recycled components for structural materials; reinforced concrete structures design and assessment; seismic assessment of reinforced concrete structures; assessment, rehabilitation, strengthening and retrofit of buildings and bridges.
SCOPUS Indexes (last access 08/025/2023): 120 documents; 2233 citations; h index = 30.
Lecturer's Publications (PDF): 9CA17EEB976B4278C4D7FFAD0E79CC04.pdf
Research Activity
Research topics: use of recycled components for structural materials; reinforced concrete structures design and assessment; seismic assessment of reinforced concrete structures; assessment, rehabilitation, strengthening and retrofit of buildings and bridges.