Full Professor
Address: Via Ognissanti, 39 - Padova
Phone: 049 8277904
Scientific sector: ICAR/07 - GEOTECHNICS
Paolo Simonini, MSc, PhD, Full Professor of Geotechnical Engineering at the University of Padova, Padova, Italy
School Education:
1968-1970: Secondary School, Trento, Best Student of the School in the Year 1970; 1970-1975: High School, Trento, Final grade 60/60.
Higher Education:
1975-1981: University of Padova (UNIPD), Studies in Civil Engineering, Graduation with honors in Civil Engineering (MSc); 1983-1986: Doctoral studies at the Technical University of Torino (POLITO) in Geotechnical Engineering; 07-1987: Defense of Doctorate Thesis: Shallow foundations on sand: theoretical and experimental modelling.
Carrier history:
Summer 1981: Professional experience at Rijkswaterstaat, Deltadinst The Netherlands – Construction of the Schelda Storm Surge Barriers. Geotechnical Section; 1982-1983: Research fellow at UNIPD; 1983-1986: Fellowship for doctoral studies in Geotechnical Engineering at POLITO; 1987-1990: Research fellowship: Studies on the subsidence of the Euganean Thermal Basin, Northeastern Italy; 1987-1989: Teaching assistant at the University of Trento; 1990-1998: Research assistant of Geotechnical Engineering at UNIPD; 1998-2004: Associate Professor at UNIPD; 2005 - now: Full Professor of Geotechnical Engineering at the UNIPD;
2009-2012: President of the Civil Engineering Council;
2012-2015: President of the School of Engineering, University of Padova.
2016-2018: President of the Italian Committeee for Professorship Requirement Evaluation.
Association and expert activities:
Member of the board of the Italian Geotechnical Association; member of the International Society of Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering: member of the International Society of Geosynthetics, member of the AGI Committee for standards in site investigation practice; of the AGI-AICAP Committee for standards in ground anchors
Member of Scientific Council of International Research Society Interpraevent. The Research Society works to set up preventive protection against disasters and supports interdisciplinary research to protect our living space against flooding, debris flow, avalanches and mass movements.
Past Italian member of European Group COST-C7: Soil-Structure interaction of urban civil engineering
Official member of the Material Point Method Community (Univ. Cambridge, UPC Barcelona, TU Delft, TU Hamburg-Harburg, Deltares).
Member of the Editorial Board of Italian Geotechnical Journal.
Reviewer for national and international journals: Rivista Italiana di Geotecnica, ASCE J. of Geot. and Geoenv. Eng., Acta Geotechnica, Waste Mechanics, Engineering Geology, Natural Hazards etc.
Ongoing international academic co-operations:
University of California, Berkeley, USA, Prof. J. Pestana; University of Cambridge, Prof. K. Soga and Dr. Giovanna Biscontin, Technical University of Graz, Prof. H. Schweiger; University of Essen, Prof. E. Perau, Technical University of Porto, Portugal, Prof. A. Viana da Fonseca; University of Madrid, Prof. M. Pastor; Deltares, Em. Prof. Pieter Vermeer e Dr. Andrè Koelewijn.
Visiting Scientist:
University of Tokyo, 1995; University of Cork, 1996; University of California, Berkeley, 1998, 2003; Texas A. & M. University, 2010.
Research Activity
Soil mechanics: Soil properties by computed tomography, Constitutive modelling for intermediate soils;
Site testing: Use of CPTU to predict maximum stiffness in soils; Applicability of SCPTU and SDMT to characterize the soils of the Venice Lagoon;