Associate Professor
Address: Via Ognissanti, 39 - Padova
Phone: 049 8277994
E-mail: fabio.gabrieli@unipd.it
Scientific sector: ICAR/07 - GEOTECHNICS
He graduated from the University of Padova in Environmental Engineering in 2005 with a work titled “Numerical and experimental analysis of the mechanical behaviour of the silty soils of the Venetian lagoon”. He was a scientific collaborator at the Department of Environmental Hydraulics and Geotechnical Engineering from 2005 to 2007. In 2009 he obtained a PhD in Civil and Environmental Engineering Science at the same university with a thesis titled: “Particle-based approaches for the numerical modelling of the triggering of unstable conditions in a granular soil slope”. He was then a Postdoc, research fellow and finally a researcher since March 2011.
He currently teaches courses of "Geotechnics", "Geotechnics in the defence of the territory", "Soil Improvement" and "Soil Protection Project Work" for students of Civil Engineering, and Environmental Engineering. He is on the doctoral board committee of the PhD School in Civil, Environmental and Architectural Engineering. and he teaches the PhD course of Advanced Soil Mechanics for PhD students of the same school. He has been supervising of over 90 thesis works.
The main research areas concern modeling geotechnical problems, from quasi-static to dynamic, with the Discrete Element Method through the use of the open-source code Yade and the commercial software PFC3D. He worked on the implementation of a micromechanical constitutive model for partially saturated granular materials for the study of the triggering and evolution of collapse phenomena in slopes. These studies continued in both numerical and laboratory fields through validation with small-scale physical models and tomographic measurements performed on samples. In the field of landslide monitoring, he prototyped a low-cost photogrammetric system for the detection of surface displacements through the stereoscopic use of two cameras. He has developed programming skills with Matlab and Python for image analysis (movement detection and tomography analysis).
He currently has active collaborations with the Université Libre de Bruxelles (Prof. P. Lambert), with the Université Grenoble Alpes (prof. B. Chareyre), with the TU Berlin (Prof. F. Rackwitz), with University of Newcastle Australia (Dr. K. Thoeni), with the University of Calgary (Prof. Wan), with Twente University (Prof. S. Luding), the IFSTTAR of Nantes (Dr. R. Artoni), with the Polytechnic of Milan (Prof. F. Calvetti), with the University of Modena (Dr. M. Motta), with the CNR IRPI of Padua (Dr. G. Marcato, Dr. Eng. L. Schenato).
He has participated as a speaker at numerous national and international conferences. The most important were: ICOF 2008, Dundee, UK; Particles 2009, Barcelona, Spain; NUMGE 2010, Trondheim, Norway; DEM Symposium 2012, Birmingham, UK; IS from Micro to Macro 2014, Cambridge, UK, Particles 2017, Hannover, Germany. He has been invited to talk at specific doctoral and research seminars (Twente University, Holland, 2010; IFSTTAR Nantes, France, 2015; Université Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium, 2015; TU Berlin, Germany, 2017, Grenoble 2018).
He is a member of the Italian Geotechnical Association (AGI), the ISRM, the ISSMGE, the IACMAG and the granular research group (GRG).
Reviewer for the scientific journals: Physics of Fluids, Granular Matter and Geotechnique letters.
Partial list of the last pubblications:
Brezzi, L., Gabrieli, F., & Cola, S. (2018). Collapse of granular-cohesive soil mixtures on a horizontal plane. Acta Geotechnica. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11440-018-0725-7
Santomaso, A. C., Volpato, S., & Gabrieli, F. (2018). Collapse and runout of granular columns in pendular state. Physics of Fluids, 30(6), 63301. https://doi.org/10.1063/1.5030779
Gabrieli, F., Pol, A., & Thoeni, K. (2017). Comparison of two DEM strategies for modelling cortical meshes. In 5th International Conference on Particle-Based Methods - Fundamentals and Applications, Particles 2017 (pp. 489–496). International Center for Numerical Methods in Engineering. Retrieved from http://www.eccomas.org/vpage/1/14/2017
Pol, A., Gabrieli, F., Thoeni, K., & Mazzon, N. (2017). Modellazione agli elementi discreti di prove di punzonamento di una rete corticale doppio torta a maglia esagonale. In VII IAGIG - Incontro annuale giovani ingegneri.
Brezzi, L., Cola, S., Gabrieli, F., & Gidoni, G. (2017). Spreading of Kaolin and Sand Mixtures on a Horizontal Plane: Physical Experiments and SPH Numerical Modelling. Procedia Engineering, 175, 197–203. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.proeng.2017.01.008
Zorzi, G., Baeßler, M., & Gabrieli, F. (2017). Influence of Structural Stiffness on Ratcheting Convection Cells of Granular Soil under Cyclic Lateral Loading. Procedia Engineering, 175, 148–156. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.proeng.2017.01.046
Wang, J.-P., Gallo, E., François, B., Gabrieli, F., & Lambert, P. (2017). Capillary force and rupture of funicular liquid bridges between three spherical bodies. Powder Technology, 305, 89–98. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.powtec.2016.09.060
Zorzi, G., Kirsch, F., Gabrieli, F., & Rackwitz, F. (2017). Long-term cyclic triaxial tests with DEM simulations. In 5th International Conference on Particle-Based Methods - Fundamentals and Applications, PARTICLES 2017 (pp. 273–284). International Center for Numerical Methods in Engineering. Retrieved from http://www.eccomas.org/vpage/1/14/2017
Zorzi, G., Artoni, R., & Gabrieli, F. (2017). Experiments and DEM Simulations of Granular Ratcheting. EPJ Web of Conferences, 140, 137–143. https://doi.org/10.1038/25931
Gabrieli, F., Corain, L., & Vettore, L. (2016). A low-cost landslide displacement activity assessment from time-lapse photogrammetry and rainfall data: Application to the Tessina landslide site. Geomorphology, 269, 56–74. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.geomorph.2016.06.030
Brezzi, L., Gabrieli, F., Kaitna, R., & Cola, S. (2016). Behaviour of mudflows realized in a laboratory apparatus and relative numerical calibration. In Geophysical Research Abstracts (Vol. 18).
Brezzi, L., Kaitna, R., Gabrieli, F., Zulpo, M., & Cola, S. (2016). Data assimilation for the calibration of flume tests with different granular mixtures. In 13th Congress INTERPRAEVENT 2016 Extended Abstracts. Gernot Koboltschnig.
Volpato, S., Gabrieli, F., & Santomaso, A. C. (2016). Dynamics of wet granular materials in the pendular state. In Book of abstracts of the International Congress on Particle Technology - Partec 2016.
Gabrieli, F., & Ceccato, F. (2016). Impact of Dry Granular Flows on a Rigid Wall: Discrete and Continuum Approach. In Procedia Engineering (Vol. 158, pp. 152–157). Elsevier Ltd. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.proeng.2016.08.421
Cola, S., Gabrieli, F., Marcato, G., Pasuto, A., & Simonini, P. (2016). Evolutionary behaviour of the Tessina landslide. Rivista Italiana Di Geotecnica, 50(1).
Research Activity
1. particle based modelling (DEM) for geotechnics
2. numerical modelling of rockfall meshes
3. triggering and evolution of landslide in granular materials
4. partial saturation in granular materials
5. photogrammetry for landslide monitoring
6. laboratory scale physical modelling of geotechnical problems
Notes and additional information
For lecture notes, thesis proposals and other information click at this link: http://geotechlab.dicea.unipd.it
Discrete Element simulation of the collapse of dry and wet granular columns