Associate Professor
Address: Via Venezia, 1 - Padova
Phone: 049 8276735
Gianpaolo Savio is associate professor in “Design Tools and Methods for Industrial Engineering” (ING-IND/15) at the University of Padua since 2015. His research focuses on methods for Computer-Aided Design especially for free-form surfaces in many fields such as ophthalmic, naval, biomedical, additive manufacturing and geometric product specifications. On these topics, he cooperated on various public or industry founded projects.
Gianpaolo Savio is active in the research community where he serves as reviver for international journals (International Journal of Engineering Science and Technology, Applied Surface Science, International Journal of Manufacturing Research, International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Archives of Mechanical Technology and Automation, Tribology International, Optical Engineering, Applied Optics, Engineering Science and Technology, an International Journal, Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology), as committee member or reviewer of international conferences (JCM2016, ICMM 2014, JCM2014, IMProVe2011), as author with more than 50 publications in international journals and conferences and as member of scientific organizations (DS – Design Society, ADM – Associazione Nazionale Disegno e Metodi dell'Ingegneria Industriale). Moreover over he participates as speaker or presenting posters to a number national and international workshops, conferences, tutorial and seminar.
Gianpaolo Savio graduated in Mechanical Engineering in 2004 at the University of Padua. In 2008 he obtained the PhD in Design and Methods for Industrial Engineering at the University of Bologna.
Since 2007 he teaches "Engineering drafting", "Technology and Technical Drawing", "Image processing for industrial design" and "Geometric modeling of mechanical systems" at the University of Padua. He was supervisor and tutor of a number of graduation and doctoral thesis.
From 2008 to 2015 he was a Research Assistant at the University of Padua and at the University of Ferrara.
In 2014 he obtained the “Abilitazione Scientifica Nazionale” SC 09/A3 - II Fascia.
- International CAE Conference 2017 - POSTER AWARD: "Structural optimization and geometric modeling of lattice structures for Additive Manufacturing"
- Best papers JCM 2016: "Optimization of lattice structures for Additive Manufacturing Technologies"
- POSTER AWARD by Accademia Italiana di Odontoiatria Protesica, Bando Mario Martignoni 2016. “A new methodology for the evaluation of the accuracy of digital implant impression for edentulous jaw”.
Principal investigator in funded research projects:
- FSE 2105-116-2216-2016: "Development of fatigue test machine for the investigation of cellular structures, fabricated by additive manufacturing technologies" (2017).
- BIRD175287/17: "Development of design and geometric modeling methodologies aimed at enhancing the peculiarities of additive manufacturing technologies" (2017).
- FSE 2105-58-2121-2015: "ShoeSMa - Smart Manufacturing solution in footwear industry” (2016).
- Riprogettazione del sistema di aggancio “rapido” dei fili di prova (2016). Convenzione con il dipartimento DAFNAE dell’Università degli Studi di Padova.
Lecturer's Curriculum (PDF): 77C3879CF715B2B4F8C7867AEFBB8926.pdf
Scopus ID 14048903400
WOS ID I-8907-2012
Orcid ID 0000-0001-5858-1483
Representative Publications
G. Savio, R. Meneghello, G. Concheri (2018). Geometric modeling of lattice structures for additive manufacturing. Rapid Prototyping Journal 24(2) doi:10.1108/RPJ-07-2016-0122.
Longo F., Nicetto T., Banzato T., Savio G., Drigo M., Meneghello R., Concheri G., Isola M. (2018). Automated computation of femoral angles in dogs from three-dimensional computed tomography reconstructions: Comparison with manual techniques. The Veterinary Journal, vol. 232, p. 6-12.
Savio G., Rosso S., Meneghello R., Concheri G. (2018). Geometric Modeling of Cellular Materials for Additive Manufacturing in Biomedical Field: A Review. Applied Bionics and Biomechanics, vol. 2018, p. 1-14.
Lops D., Meneghello R., Sbricoli L., Savio G., Bressan E., Stellini E. (2018). Precision of the Connection Between Implant and Standard or Computer-Aided Design/Computer-Aided Manufacturing Abutments: A Novel Evaluation Method. International Journal of Oral & Maxillofacial Implants, vol. 33, p. 23-30.
G. Savio, P. R. Kumar, R. Meneghello, L. D’Angelo, G. Concheri (2017). Shape and curvature error estimation in polished surfaces of ground glass molds. Optical Engineering, Vol. 56 (2); n. 024101; pp. 1-5.
G. Savio, T. Baroni, G. Concheri, E. Baroni, R. Meneghello, F. Longo, M. Isola (2016). Computation of Femoral Canine Morphometric Parameters in Three‐Dimensional Geometrical Models. Veterinary Surgery, Vol. 45 (8); pp. 987-995.
S. Sivolella, G. Brunello, L. Ferroni, M. Berengo, R. Meneghello, G. Savio, A. Piattelli, C. Gardin, B. Zavan (2016). A novel in vitro technique for assessing dental implant osseointegration. Tissue Engineering Part C: Methods, Vol. 22 (2); pp. 132-141.
A. Di Fiore, R. Meneghello, G. Savio, S. Sivolella, J. Katsoulis, E. Stellini (2015). In Vitro Implant Impression Accuracy Using a New Photopolymerizing SDR Splinting Material. Clinical Implant Dentistry and Related Research. Vol. 17 (S2); pp. e721–e729.
G. Savio, R. Meneghello, G. Concheri (2013). Progressive lens design by discrete shape modelling techniques. International Journal on Interactive Design and Manufacturing, Vol. 7 (3); pp. 135-146.
R. Meneghello, G. Savio, R. Raffaeli, M. Turchetto, A.Cerardi, L. Planchenstainer (2013). An integrated methodology for the functional design of dental prosthesis. International Journal on Interactive Design and Manufacturing, Vol. 7 (2); pp. 103-114.
G. Savio, R. Meneghello, G. Concheri (2013). Optical properties of spectacle lenses computed by surfaces differential quantities. Advanced Science Letters, 19 (2); pp. 595-600
Savio G., Meneghello R., Concheri G. (2009). A surface roughness predictive model in deterministic polishing of ground glass moulds. International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture, vol. 49; pp. 1-7.
Meneghello R., Concheri G., Savio G., Comelli D. (2006). Surface and geometry error modeling in brittle mode grinding of ophthalmic lenses moulds. International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture, Vol. 46; pp. 1662-1670.
Research Activity
Main research project:
- Design for Additive Manufacturing
- Geometric dimensioning and tolerancing
- Geometric modeling and CAD