Full Professor
Address: Via Ognissanti, 39 - Padova
Phone: 049 8277905
E-mail: piero.ruol@unipd.it
Born in Padova (Italy) on April 30th, 1957.
Master of Science (M Sc) in Civil Engineering, University of Padova, Italy (1981);
Professional qualification in Civil Engineering (1982);
Winner of the competition for the “Eng. Guglielmo Marin” grant (1982);
Doctor of Science (Ph D) in Hydrodynamics (1989);
Researcher at the University of Padova (1990-1999);
Responsible of the Maritime Laboratories of the University (since 1990);
Professor (with renewable appointment) of “Coastal and Maritime Hydraulics” (1994-1996);
Professor (with renewable appointment) of “Coastal Dynamics and Shore Protection” (1997-1999);
Associate Professor of “Coastal Dynamics and Shore Protection” (2000-2004);
Responsible of the Department Library (since 1997);
Member of the PIANC (International Navigation Association) Working Group n. 31: ”Life Cycle Management of Port Structures” (1993-1998);
Member of the Faculty of Engineering Library Scientific Committee (1997-2008);
Member of the PIANC (International Navigation Association) Working Group n. 17-2004: "Inspection, Maintenance and Repair of Maritime Structures exposed to damage and to material degradation caused by a salt water environment" (1998-2004);
Member of the PIANC (International Navigation Association) Working Group n. 42: " Life Cycle Management of Port Structures – Recommended Practice for Implementation" (2001-2008);
Full professor in the SSD ICAR/02 (teaching: “Coastal and Harbour Engineering” and “Coastal Dynamics and Shore Protection”) since March 2008;
Head of the Department of Hydraulic, Maritime, Environmental and Geotechnical Engineering - IMAGE (2008-2011).
ProRector for European Funding for Research at Padova University (2012-2015).
Member of the National Scientific Committee of the GII (Italian Hydraulic Group) (2004-2008);
Reviewer of national and international journals;
Reviewer of many national and international research projects (since 2002);
Member of Organising Committee of Master and Doctoral Schools at Padova University;
Member of Organising and Scientific Committee of many national and international conferences;
Member of the National Public Works Council - Consiglio Superiore dei Lavori Pubblici (2004-2006);
Member of the Consultation Board for Societal Challenge SC3: ‘Secure, clean and efficient energy’ in Horizon 2020, Coordinator Prof. Riccardo Basosi (2014-)
Editor or co-editor of some National and International Conference Proceedings.
Has more than 35 years of experience in the maritime hydraulic and coastal engineering sector and is author of more than 100 papers mainly published in international journals and international conferences. His recent research activity is ranging among arguments dealing with maritime hydraulics, maritime and port engineering, innovative coastal protection interventions and wave energy studies.