Laboratory GIScience and drones 4 Good
Director: Prof. Massimo De Marchi
Responsible: dr. Salvatore Pappalardo
Scientific Committee:
Prof. Massimo De Marchi
dr. Daniele Codato
dr. Alberto Diantini
dr. Federico Gianoli
dr. Salvatore Pappalardo
Woorking group:
dr. Edoardo Crescini
dr. Daniele Codato
dr. Alberto Diantini
dr. Giuseppe Della Fera
Prof. Massimo De Marchi
dr. Francesco Facchinelli
dr. Federico Gianoli
dr. Salvatore Pappalardo
Arch. Francesca Peroni
Arch. Guglielmo Pristeri
The GIScience and Drones for Good Laboratory (D4G) provides support for teaching activities of advanced Masters in GIScience and Unmanned Systems for the integrated management of the territory and natural resources. The D4G laboratory carries out research support activities, applied research, participatory action research on the issues of GIScience and the use of geographic information technologies (GIS, web GIS, Unmanned Systems, etc.) in the sustainable management of the territory and of natural resources.
The laboratory expresses itself both in permanent form and in multiple itinerant forms linked to field activities between Padua and the Amazon and different territories of ecological and cultural diversity in which to apply geographic information technologies to activate participatory action research paths.
The D4G laboratory is a member of the national LabGeoNet network of Italian geographic and scientific laboratories (http://www.labgeonet.it).
Working lines
- support for didactic activities and theses of the Advanced Master in GIScience and Unmanned Systems for the integrated management of the territory and natural resources
- support for didactic activities and theses of the International Joint Master degree on Sustainable territorial development - Climate Change Cooperation Territory
- support for the three-year and master degree thesis in Natural Sciences
- support for the teaching activities of the courses of Environmental Impact Assessment, Agroecology and Ecosystem Services (Master of Science in Natural Sciences)
- support to the teaching activity of the courses of Environmental Policies and Cartography and GIS for biodiversity (Degree course in Natural Sciences)
- Neogeographies and VGI (Voluntary Geographic Information)
- Inclusive decision-making processes, conflict management, technologies: PGIS and PPGIS
- Frontiers of GIScience
- Drones 4 Good: use of Unmanned Aerial systems for sustainability and empowerment
- WebGIS
- Multicriteria GIS Analysis
- GIScience in the agroecological transition
- GIScience and urban sustainability
- GIScience in climate justice
- GIScience in environmental assessment (EIA; SEA; Assessment of Implications)
- GIScience and sustainability objectives to 2030
- GIScience, decent work, training: training courses for geographic information professionals
- The new commons: open source geographic software and low cost geographic information technologies
- Amazon Eyes - Views of the Amazon between Satellites and display analysis
- MUES - Mapping Urban Empty Spaces - Participatory mapping of abandonment in the city of Padua
- Re-cyclable tracks: between geographic information systems and participation for sustainable and shared Paduan cycling
- The value of the soil - Participatory mapping of land use in the city of Padua
- Webgis and data mining for agro-ecosystems 4.0 (ESF project "Drones in viticulture and fruit growing: geoinformation for agro-ecosystems 4.0 in Veneto and Trentino")
- Monitoring of vineyards by integrating remote and near remote sensing: integrations between RPS flights and satellite images (ESF project "Drones in viticulture and fruit growing: geoinformation for agro-ecosystems 4.0 in Veneto and Trentino")
- WebGIS, data mining and future survey implementation for abandoned transurban areas (ESF DATA - Development of Abandoned Transurban Areas Project)
- Drones for good: geo-information technologies and neo-geographies in the implementation of sustainable citizenship and environmental justice
- Leaving oil under soil: evaluating yasunization policy experiments for climate and biodiversity protection and human rights enforcement "
- Yasunization of earth: a World Atlas of Unburnable carbon. Cartography and GIS tools to implement inclusive spatial policies at global and local scales for climate and biodiversity protection and human rights enforcement
- Drone for good: geo-information technologies and neo-geographies in the management of environmental conflicts and inclusive decision-making processes for climate change and biodiversity "