Maritime laboratory - General informations
Lab address: Department name and address: Web page: Responsible of the Lab: Other scientific personnel: Other permanent staff: | GEOMAR, Via Ognissanti, 39 - 35129 Padova - ITALY Dipartimento di Ingegneria Civile, Edile e Ambientale (ICEA) Via Marzolo, 9 - 35131 Padova- ITALY www.dicea.unipd.it/en/services/laboratories/maritime-laboratory 1 senior (prof. Luca Martinelli) and 2 junior Researchers 1 technician, 1 electronic designer, 1 structural designer |
The University of Padova was founded in 1222, and is one of the oldest Universities in the World. The hydraulic school was founded in 1842, by Domenico Turazza. In Italy, Padova was the first University to focus on maritime works (1910) and in 1925 a wave basin was already set up. To our knowledge, the only other similar laboratories in Europe were Dresda, Karlsruhe, Pietersburg and Vienna.
In 1954 a new wave basin 18 m x 21 m was built (where now the wave flume is located), the first in Italy. Since then, the Maritime laboratory has been extensively used for prediction of wave transformation inside the ports.
Today, the Maritime laboratory is equipped with the most modern and valuable equipment, suitable to perform laboratory tests both for basic research activities and for applied research studies. The activities are mainly referred to the following topics: random wave transformation in shallow waters; wave transformations induced by marine structures and coastal defence works; stability tests for coastal and harbour structures; wave penetration in harbours; impact assessment evaluation of coastal works along sandy coasts; crosshore and longshore sediment transport; littoral morphodynamics; wave action on structures and mooring systems.
The laboratory comprises two different facilities, a wave flume and a wave basin.
Close to the maritime laboratory, there are several other facilities (e.g. Geotechnical and Hydraulic laboratories of the Department) that can provide backup and exchange of instrumentation.
Wave flume (left), wave basin (right)