
Progetti di ricerca
Progetti PNRR attivi
- 3A-ITALY - Made in Italy circolare e sostenibile
- Interconnected Nord-Est Innovation Ecosystem – iNEST
- RETURN - Multi-Risk science for resilient commUnities undeR a changiNg climate
- Sustainable Mobility Center (Centro Nazionale per la Mobilità Sostenibile – CNMS)
- RESTORE - REconstruct subsurface heterogeneities and quantify Sediment needs TO improve the REsilience of Venice saltmarshes (PRIN 2022 PNRR)
- SISTER - The role of Soil-roots Interactions in Sustaining Tidal marsh Elevation against sea-level Rise
- SubRISK+ - Enhancing our understanding of Subsidence RISK induced by groundwater exploitation towards sustainable urban (PRIN 2022 PNRR)
- SMUH- Safeguard of Modern Urban Heritage: a cross-disciplinary WebGIS for Knowledge, Monitoring and Risk Analysis (PRIN 2022)
- CONSTRAIN - CarbON exchange processes across STReAm INterfaces (PRIN 2022)
- SEAmPhonia - SEAmPhonia - An innovative enlightening approach to enable the modelling of marine ecosystems by the acoustic 3D field (PRIN 2022)
- Prot&Cons - Reconciling coastal flooding protection and morphological conservation of shallow coastal environments (PRIN 2022)
- Variational and Analytical aspects of Geometric PDEs (PRIN 2022)
- INFORTREAT - Reconstructing the Early Modern bastioned front. INformation models for the fruition of constructive knowledge in FORtified architecture TREATises (16th-18th Century): a new integrated analysis tool for the interpretation, restoration and maintenance of Early Modern fortified heritage (PRIN 2022)
- CoenoBI(u)M - Arte e architettura della Congregazione Benedettina Cassinese (XV-XVIII secolo): strategie di analisi digitali e spaziali attraverso modelli BIM (PRIN 2022)
- AADEMO - Allogenic and Autogenic controls of DElta MOrphodynamics (PRIN 2022)
- Stability, multiaxial fatigue and fatigue life prediction in statics and dynamics of innovative structural and material coupled systems (PRIN 2022)
- INTENSE - raINfall exTremEs and their impacts: from the local to the National ScalE (PRIN 2022)
- GOALS - Green Optimizations by Additive-manufactured Lightweight Structures (PRIN 2022)
- MORFLOOD - The role of morphodynamics in river floods: assessment of relevant processes, advanced physics-based modelling, and real-time forecasting (PRIN 2022)
- PROMETEO - PROtotype of Marine natural hazard Early-warning sysTem based on Ensemble fOrecasting (PRIN 2022 PNRR)
- SECURE - Safety Equilibrium Conditions for rivers UndeR changing climatEs (PRIN 2022 PNRR)
- MS-FANS - Multi-Scale Fractional Analysis of Non-local response of advanced materials and structures in Stochastic setting (PRIN 2022 PNRR)
- CO-MO-CO4.3ages - COntemporary MOdels of CO-living for "the three human ages" (PRIN 2022 PNRR)
- SAFE_MOTION - Structural Assessment and development of innovative saFEguard Measures fOr hisTOrIcal masONry towers (PRIN 2022 PNRR)
- LINUS - LIviNg the UniverSity city: student housing as driver of changes (PRIN 2022 PNRR)
- New challenges of thin-walled structures at large strains and their promising applications (PRIN 2022 PNRR)
Progetti HORIZON EUROPE attivi
- CarbTMM - Coastal carbon release driven by tidal meander migration (MSCA)
- CARE - Roughness-Induced Secondary Currents in Arterial Flows (MSCA)
- HumanTech - Human Centered Technologies for a Safer and Greener European Construction Industry
- PRESERVE - Plant Roots as bio-foundations for rESiliEnt tRansitional enVironmEnts
- REWATERING - REalistic WATER budgetING in protected agriculture
- TEAPOTS - agriculTurE wAste PyrOlysis and Thermocomposting for renewable energy in Sustainable agri-food sector
MUR – Partnership internazionali
- AQUIGROW - sustainable AQUIfer recharge to enhance resilience of GROundWater services under increased drought risk (Water4All)
Progetti INTERREG attivi
- CROSSIT SAFER - Cooperazione transfrontaliera tra Slovenia e Italia per una regione più sicura
- ECO2SMART - Promuovere la consapevolezza attiva dei cittadini per rafforzare la resilienza, l'adattamento basato sugli ecosistemi e la prevenzione del rischio di catastrofi
- FIRESPILL - Fostering Improved Reaction of crossborder Emergency Services and Prevention Increasing safety Level
- GPP2ADRION - Fostering the adoption and implementation of GPP procedures to promote a transition towards a circular economy
- SeCure - Saltwater intrusion and climate change: monitoring, countermeasures and informed governance
Progetti PR Veneto FSE+ attivi
- WELCOME TO STEM - Azione positive per la parità di genere nel territorio polesano
- Greenpower per il distretto della pelle
- Re-life: accessibilità e inclusività negli scenari di riuso e valorizzazione di ex edifici monastici
- R.ISO.RSA VENETO: Recupero Innovativo SOstenibile delle Residenze Sanitarie Assistenziali in Veneto
- SARTI - Simbiosi Aziendali: Recuperare Tessile Insieme
- SCHOOLNET: Strumenti innovativi per la riqualificazione sostenibile ed inclusiva dell’edilizia scolastica e per la gestione della mobilità urbana
Progetti POR-FSE conclusi
- H.E.L.P. Veneto: High efficiency Emergency Living Prototypes Veneto – Residenze adattive sostenibili per la permanenza temporanea in regime di emergenza ambientale
- iBrIDS – intelligent Bridge Information Decision System
- Progettazione e produzione mediante tecnologie additive di componenti innovativi a variazione locale di proprietà
- S.O.L.E.H. (Sustainable Operation Low-cost Energy for Hotels). Strumenti innovativi e linee guida per la riqualificazione sostenibile dell'edilizia alberghiera
- Un SIstema Connesso di sUpporto alla guida per la riduzione del Rischio di Incidente (SICURI)
- Integrazione CAD/CAE nell'innovazione di dispositivi ortodontici
- iWrecks – Industrial Wrecks: Reusing Enhancing aCKnowledging Sheds
- L2 - Transizione edilizia 4.0
Progetti POR-FESR conclusi
- CORE-WOOD: riposizionamento competitivo della filiera del legno
- INMOSTRA - INgegnerizzazione di sensori in Fibra Ottica per il Monitoraggio dei rinforzi STrutturali su versAnti instabili
- Sistemi di Computer Vision per La Sicurezza Strutturale e la Protezione Civile
- Vehicle to Home (V2H): l'auto elettrica come vettore di energia nella "Smart Grid urbana"
Progetti CARIVERONA attivi
- Sensori in fibra ottica integrati per la diagnostica plug-and-play di strutture e opere in terra
Pagina in continuo aggiornamento